Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Only Good Thing To Come Out Of The 80's = Me

seriously, let it fucking go. almost nothing good came from the 1980's. here's the way i see it: the worst porsches ever were made in the 80s. in fact, the worst looking cars EVER were made then. beside Maverick's Ninja in Top Gun, every fucking motorcycle from the 80's looks like a piece of shit. neon green will never be cool. especially when that is all that was produced for ten fucking years. 80s fashion? no one wears it unless it's a joke. really... when is the last time you wore something popular from the wretched decade if it wasn't a gay theme party? if you have an answer to that you should hang yourself. what else comes to mind... Ronny, John Hughes movies, and a bunch of people from my generation whose parents should have had an abortion. i'm in favor of wiping the decade from the history books. trickle-down economics? suck the trickle from my dick.

also, don't hate on abortion. it brings out the little kid in you.

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