Monday, April 20, 2009

Ode to the Old Town Deli

O Old Town Deli
how i love thee so
with your overpriced deli meat
and 'sides' consisting mostly of mayo
only open for 4 hours a day
and shut tight as a virgin on weekends
RC Cola and Boar's Head
but do you really want to know,
why out of my way to you i go?

because the owner has a creepy handlebar mustache and his wife makes the sandwiches - and every single time i go in there he's screaming his head off at her to the point where i just know sooner or later i'll finally see him hit her.

it took me forever to figure out why they make such good sandwiches and today it dawned on me: every sandwich is flavored with a drizzling of tears. tears of domestic violence. mmmmm... battered wife.

1 comment:

Demonimania said...

Did you hear about that new place The Tempora House? It's a shelter for lightly battered woman...