Friday, April 3, 2009

thanks a latte

weird story: stopped for coffee this morning a the neighborhood non-Starbucks, you know, keeping it local. lady behind the counter (always there) is especially nice this morning. and being nice required her to inform me that i had something in my hair - then proceed to insist on picking it out herself. maybe i'm just weird but i don't like strangers touching me that much. unless they're hookers - but then i'm paying and that's different. point is: what the hell else is this bitch putting her hands in at 7 a.m.?

related incident:
Saddle Ranch, Wednesday night. closing out my tab and bartender girl is clearly trying to flirt her way into a better tip. and she's doing a great job. right up until the point where she tried to do the cute bite of the corner of my debit card. as far as i'm concerned, my debit card is dirtier than any dollar bill in circulation. she may as well have licked a toilet seat in front of me. have fun with her Walker.

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