Monday, April 6, 2009

Surprise Cock-Fags!

New author being added. I'll keep his identity a secret as he has never told of the horrible, horrible things I have done to him in his sleep.

Blog note: It Tastes Like Burning's revival is a response to the overwhelming negative response most you had to my new social-networking site called "HateSpace." Here were the basics in my demented little mind:

- No friends on HateSpace, you only acquire enemies. List your beliefs, desires, and opinions. Wait for others to shit on your soul and return in kind.
- if you are caught having civil conversation, your account is deleted and pictures of child porn will be sent to your email along with FBI notification
- long-time users can obtain "Mortal Enemy" status with each other after years and years of abuse
- eventually you will reach "Hatfield and McCoy" level where your children will be forced to hate each other for generations to come
- finally, every other year (once i make millions at this) i will rent an island outside of U.S. jurisdiction on which users will be allowed to meet in person and fight to the death. rusty tools optional but encouraged.

"How do like that one, fuckhead?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna train the redhead to kick you in the balls next time he sees you, just to be grandfathered into the Hatfield/McCoy status we want so badly.