Friday, May 1, 2009

Things that fill me with murderous rage

1. Bums asking me for money as I leave work.

2. Old asian ladies hitting my parked car 3 times while trying to parallel park their lexus in the two open spots in front of me... then shaking their head at me like it was my damn fault they're incompetent.

3. College girls wearing ugs and mini skirts. If you're cold put on some damn pants. The only exception is if you are a communications major or go to Naropa, then we know you are actually mentally challenged and the fact that you managed to get dressed all by yourself is impressive.

4. Women with way too much plastic surgery. You don't look any younger, you just look like you wasted a lot of money on plastic surgery and now everyone knows that you're insecure and think you're ugly... If you weren't before you are now, way to seal the deal.

5. 3.2% beer

6. People moving slow... anywhere. In their damn car, in the grocery store, taking your sweet ass time walking down the street with your two other fat ass friends. I don't have time for you to enjoy your life. Get the fuck out of my way.

7. I work in a restaurant. Don't ever make a joke about money coming out of a tip... ever. Did you forget we are serving you things that you plan to eat or drink? Don't fuck with us.

8. The Boulder Homeless Shelter having a giant plasma screen TV. I can't afford any TV and you're asking me for money?! See #1

9. The giant fat ass bitch wearing v-neck tank top and short shorts several sizes too small ordering her 9th diet coke after eating a whole burger with extra bacon, cheese and mayo in addition to a large side of fries as ketchup still sticks to her face. Don't kid yourself with the diet coke.

10. Children in public.

More soon...

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