Friday, May 22, 2009

Did You Know I am NIFOC and a PIR? NALOPKT.


As proof to myself that I am not going insane, I have started using Google Trends to remind myself just how moronic the average Internet user is - which I use to protect myself personally and professionally.

Every once in a while I run into something that's actually funny. Like a religion-inspired group suicide. Or Helen Keller jokes. Usually, though, it's chicks that aren't really hot and sports-related nonsense which I have safely positioned myself and family to avoid.

I guess I'm not really surprised to find a FOX News fear story - on some of that damn slang the kids are using these days - #6 today, behind celebrity idolatry, snake oil, and "senior skip day."

Sweet Banana.

I'm not surprised anymore that the masses buy into this shit. It's only after spending a lifetime trend-watching to become perfectly happy sitting in my house trying to 8 my Man Kitty and learning how not to be so Q2C. Yes, I'm that good.

Are we so stupid as not to understand our language and use of it evolves within every generation?

Well, yes. Look at the pointless, mind-numbing noise everyone is searching. The proof is there.

But to be surprised at the same situation you did as a teenager only leaves you NIFOC - and reminds me just exactly why it is 182.

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