Monday, May 18, 2009

From Patriarch to Matriarch's Bitch

Rest assured I will be buying this book:

This is something I've been debating with other fathers the world over. We, as men over the last generation or 2, have stepped up and decided to be more active, involved, and overall better parents than our fathers.

Women still want the same. But, because of various reasons having to do with generational entitlement issues, daddy issues, the failed women's "liberation" movement, and tv commercials that portray men as idiots (most commonly seen in prime-time and daytime tv) women have entered a role where their husband is a tool.

This is proven by the poor fuckers with "Honey Do" lists that can be found on any given weekend at Home Depot.

I'm not saying we were better off when fathers were self-righteous pricks that didn't owe their family anything other than a good paycheck & 2 weeks of "vacation" time. That's not progress.

We still expect our kids to do better than us, be better fathers and mothers than us, and we still work the same (if not more hours) than what was already emotionally possible 50 years ago - all while putting in just as much time & work with our families and homes as our wives.

And what do we get out of it?

Condescension. Emotional games. Chastised for not doing things the way someone else decides (Oprah & Cosmo, aka popular trends, anyone?). We're ridiculed and exhausted. Cratered into an entitled mass of insanity. Left wanting. And fucking offended.

Stronger, but not better.

So, Guys, the next time some chick hands you a list of shit to do, do what I've been doing: point out what's realistic, then tear the fucking thing up and put it in the trash where it belongs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read the book.

1.) Men are pawns in a game of suck.

2.) There is no reward. Ever. So don't bother trying.

3.) Even though I get denied an emotional understanding, I'm better off chasing my wife's tail in the expected shallow manner, than I am reading this book.

4.) I just wasted money on a book, and am having a hard time realizing some information isn't worth knowing. I used to love books. Now I simply hope they don't make me hate myself and everyone else.

5.) All this is fine and good. I am a future leader of America.

Fuck Yeah.