Tuesday, May 22, 2007

No bueno. Muy no bueno.

Too much steak. Moving slow. Not feeling so hot. Struggling to type... harder to do homework... need to sleep it off.
Famous last words: "Oooh! Discount meat!"

Other famous last words, some actually spoken by me in the presence of people you know:

"Plenty of room, keep backing up." - Eric Smart to me
"I'll just set a controlled burn." - me to Walker [15th Street almost went up in flames]
"That's not enough gas to catch fire from a cigarette." - me to Bill Fedderson

Other famous last words whose context I can't remember exactly:
"You'll make it if you go fast enough."
"I can drink more than that."
"Don't be a pussy."
"We need a skylight." - Walker actually talked me out of that one
"It'll take us a month to finish that much Canadian Club." - Walker talked me into that one

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

more famous last words:

"I don't think I'm going to drink that much at the Christmas party, just this water bottle full of tequila."

"Making out with strippers isn't cheating, the strippers don't know any better!"