Thursday, May 3, 2007

This shit just got real, yo.

Okay, so this law school thing is making less and less sense to me. The last few days have been really weird. Had a week off between semesters, finding it hard to gear up for this semester. Everyone seems to be complaining about the little time off. My new Torts professor is wretched. No one can understand what he's saying. Today my favorite professor walks into class, tells us he's having open heart surgery, and he's not gonna teach this summer. The replacement teacher has been named but it's gonna be a mess. The old professor admits that he taught the class is a non-traditional/backwards manner. If this new guy doesn't pick up on that, we're all fucked.

Unfortunately, I don't think I did bad enough last semester to have the decision made for me. If I failed out, I failed out. Live and learn, move on out. Niner. If I kicked ass, I would have to stay, right?
What probably hapened though was I did just good enough to have a tough decision ahead of me.

The people I'm worried about are my friends who don't think they have any other options (not to say I have a bunch of ideas myself). But these guys are gonna have a break-down if they don't pass.

The mathematics of law school are what really piss me off. Think about this:
The bottom 30-35% are going to be put on probation (~25 people).
Of them, 80% will drop out (20 people).

So let's say I finished about in the middle of the pack. My standing after the first semester would be fine. However, more than half the people below me would be gone. That means (depending on exactly where in the middle range I finished) I could technically be in the bottom of the class.

Additionally, if I'm at the bottom because of the above, even though I did fine 1st semester, I have to do much better 2nd semester. And think about this: I have to do comparitively better against an even more elite group.

If I drop now, I can get this semester refunded ($16k) and be automatically enrolled again whenever I want. But if I stay this summer, do the exact same as last time, likely I will be dismissed. Do not pass go, do not collect thousands of dollars and save imminent humiliation.

In the infamous words of Eric Smart, "At the time it seemed like the right thing to do."
Now I just have to figure out what that thing is.

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