Me in 10 years. Keep reading.
For some reason I was very angry when I posted last night. I had the good sense to remove it early this morning. If any of you read it, I apologize for my tyrannical ravings. A long series of events yesterday got me into a pretty bad mood by about midnight. In no particular order; getting hit by a car on my run (I can say that because my mom is in Boston and doesn't read backlogged posts), going out when I wanted/needed to stay in, loosing my ATM card, meeting what may be the craziest person ever (of course it was a woman, and to say craziEST is pretty serious considering the company I've kept over the years), and finally getting into a fight on the phone with 2 people I had no reason to be mad at, and haven't seen in person for months.
Changing subjects; went to see Bullet For My Valentine and All That Remains on Thursday night. Haven't been to a show since I left AZ. It was awesome. All ages show, no booze, no seating. I moshed. I got my ass kicked by people 10 years younger and suprisingly larger. Bloody nose. Ruined t-shirt. It was glorious. My ears were ringing until Saturday.
Grades come out Friday. I'll probably be referencing that fact a lot in the next few days. In fact, there is no way that the outcome of those grades will not largely be the basis for my next posts for at least a month. I wonder how much goat herders get paid? More or less than sheep? Is there a difference?
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