Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Really shows you who your friends are...

That is usually one of those statements that is followed by a bunch of bitching about your jerk friends. I intend the opposite. It's nice to be reminded of all the people who have your back. I highly advise making sure you have good people in your life.

No real secret, haven't made the quality of friends here in S.D. I would have liked to. Unfortunately, the circle just got smaller. I'm 99% sure most of my closest friends here won't be returning after grades came out. Bummer. Losing friends sucks, but it's not my fault this time. I guess I can take solice in that.

That said, one or two of you owe me a call back. Think about it for a minute. You know exactly who you are.

(My Giants just lost a heartbreaker. One of the wildest games I've ever seen. What a thriller.)

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