Saturday, January 13, 2007

Holy Crap!

I just found a NinePoint CD. There are a few of you out there that know the significance of this find. I can't tell you how painful it is to listen to it. To the guilty parties involved in the creation of this abomination; may God have mercy on your souls. Except you, crazy drummer Bill. You deserve the shame associated with this. I can't decide if I should can it or burn several copies to send to you bastards. What the hell were we thinking?

i've got nothing better to do than stare at the wall while i think about you
alone on my bed... BANG!!!!....

(I just shot myself in the head.)

Some things are better left lost. Fuck all the ravers. Fuck 'em.


p said...

ok i know what song you are talking about... the wall. you gave me a copy of that first cd one day when i came by ace hardware to see you. (i had a crush on you then. don't tell yourself.) i took the cd home and copied it onto a mix tape and i'm sure i still have it wherever my parents decided to store all of the shit i left at home... anyway, i'm sure i have never heard of the name you are calling it, because i thought it was something completely different... so long?

Unknown said...

Consequence of (your) Creation?