Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Go Death Go!

I hope Billy Mays and Ed McMahon are ass and nose raping Michael Jackson right now. He was a pedophile whose music sucks. Good riddance.

Since Death is taking celebrities left and right, might I make a suggestion: Nancy Grace and Sean Hannity next?


E-Rock said...

Yes! But you forgot a few:

-Bill "Billo" O'Reilly
- Glen Beck (seriously, this motherfucker must go)
- Ann Coulter
- Al Sharpton
- People who actually give a shit where a southern governor from an inconsequential state sticks his penis. His wife is ugly. I would have cheated on her too. At least he's not a racist, right?

Anonymous said...

A boy can dream...

I had a wet one the other night about the death of Dr. Laura. Not that I don't appreciate her "shape the fuck up" attitude. Just that she's a self-righteous bitch that sounds like a good sensual ass loving and subsesquent ass fucking is in order. I gave it to her from both the back and front. We both got wet. I came on the hairy tuft that some people call their lower back. Hers was extra sticky from the front-side expedition. Yea it's Dr. Laura I'm talking about. And yes, I creep myself out, and have to live with the details.

Oddly, Ann Coulter was next in line. Pounding on the door the whole time:

"Please, somebody put their Dick in me!!!. Pleeeeaaaaassssseeeeeeee!!!! Pleeeeaaaassssseeeeeee!"

Fuck me she's fucking annoying.