Sunday, October 7, 2007

10 years and counting...

Pretty sobering. It's ten years later and I'm listening to the same songs that made me depressed (or listened to when I was depressed) way back then. It's funny how things go full cycle. I'm so much older and I don't feel like I've learned a thing about myself. If I could go back to being 17 I'm pretty sure I would make the same mistakes over again. Haunted by the same memories and the same people. This should be an interesting night. By the way, I love The Cure. Where the fuck is Dane? No one gets that but me, Walker, and Pat. I don't feel like discussing that with them. It's a good thing they don't read this.

I'm feeling a radical shift in my life coming on. To the point of dissappearance. [I'm not gonna bother spell-checking this] There have been a few times in my life where this feeling has overtaken me. I'm not going to lie; hasn't worked out well for my friends at the time. I'm still alive and kicking. I guess it must have worked out okay for me. I still exist in some circles.

I-Tunes may be the worst thing in the world when you feel the need to listen to those songs you purposely don't own. My life could be described by the music I'm listening to at the time. The Cure+Death Metal+things that used to make me cry= Jack's total sence of apathy and remorese. I know weird combination. Don't look, don't look the shadows bring...


Unknown said...

I thought Dane sobered up and moved home, last I heard.

Unknown said...

This book is in my bathroom.

It tells you why you still listen to the music you loved 10 years ago. It's ok, although the music you listened to 10 years ago was gay.